
PCR Wound & Nail Panels

Risks from Wound Infections

More than half of diabetic foot ulcers become infected.¹
Foot infections are associated with increased frequency and length of hospitalization and risk of lower extremity amputation.²
Mortality after diabetes-related amputation exceeds 70% at 5 years.³

PCR Testing

Toenail Fungus

• A fast and accurate laboratory diagnosis is essential for successful treatment because 50% of the cases are misdiagnosed when relying on the clinical appearance only.⁴

• Complete concordance with conventional culture.⁴

• Threefold increase in species-specific detection of dermatophytes compared to culture alone.⁵

Identify dormant organism colonies that can
prevent healing.

Get Started with Total Molecular.

Signs of infection?

Confirmation is effortless for wounds and fungal infection.

4 Steps to actionable results

Step 1

Use On-Hand Supplies to Swab the Wound.

Step 2

Send Sample to Total Molecular for PCR Testing.

Step 3

Results Returned in 72 hours or Less.

Step 4

Treatment plan can be developed, based off confirmed results.

Broad, national in-network coverage. Confirmed results for your treatment plan. Reduced back-office workload.

Contact Us

O) 888.444.4522
F) 888 702 3710

3151 Halifax St, Ste 160,
Dallas, TX 75247

1. Armstrong, et al, N Eng J Med 2017; Prompers et al, Diabetologia 2007.2. Bader, Mazen S., Diabetic Foot Infection, American Academy of Family Physicians, aafp.org/afp. 3. Armstrong, et al, N Engl J Med 2017;376:2367-75. 4. Gräser, Y et. al. Diagnostic PCR of dermatophytes – an overview. JDDG; 2012 • 10:721–725 5. Spiliopoulou A, Bartzavali C, Jelastopulu E, Anastassiou ED, Christofidou M. Evaluation of a commercial PCR test for the diagnosis of dermatophyte nail infections. J Med Microbiol. 2015 Jan;64(Pt 1):25-31. doi: 10.1099/jmm. 0.079962-0. Epub 2014 Nov 23. PMID: 25418736